
The house on the beach

Last week in France, Steve, Mila (5 1/2 years old) and I watched GLEE for the first time (with delight!)...
Le papa: "See should practice your singing & dancing and become a famous singer so you could buy us a house on the beach"
Me: "Oh yeah, that would be great, we could stop working and we would look after Lucas for you"
Mila: "It wouldn't be on the's too expensive and people wouldn't be able to use the beach"
Me: "...well you could also buy us a private beach too and then people can go on the beach next to it..."
Mila: " would be too expensive but it would be right next to it, like in the street next door"
SHE IS 5!!!! Where does this 'too expensive' comes from??

Below is a picture of my mum (she is the smiling one in the middle wearing a cute bikini) with her family. Isn't this a great shot? I'm going to enlarge it and frame it for her as the original is a tiny photo and will also add it to my moodboard.
Have you ever gone through the family albums of your parents or in-laws? Last Christmas when we were in New-Zealand staying with Steve's parents, I went through their photo albums and found some gorgeous shots of he and his sisters. It is such a cool and fun experience to see people you love when they were kids. I hope one day Mila will appreciate all the pictures I'm taking from her even if now she is totally bored with it!

*which we already do without the house

La semaine derniere en France, Steve, Mila (5 1/2 ans) et moi avons regarde GLEE pour la premiere fois (avec joie!)...
Le papa: "Tu vois Mila....tu pourrais t'entrainer a chanter et dancer, devenir celebre & ensuite tu pourrais nous acheter une maison sur la plage"
Me: "Oh yeah, ca serait genial! On arreterait de travailler et on s'occuperait de Lucas pour toi"
Mila: "Ca ne serait pas sur la plage...c'est trop cher et les gens ne pourraient pas aller a la plage"
Me: "mais si tu peux aussi nous acheter une plage privee et les gens iraient a la plage a cote..."
Mila: "non...c'est trop cher mais ca serait juste a cote, dans la rue a cote"
Elle a 5 ans!!!! Franchement d'ou elle sort ce truc 'c'est trop cher'??

Dessus est une photo de ma maman (c'est celle qui sourit au milieu en bikini) avec sa famille. N'est-elle pas cool? Je vais l'agrandir et l'encadrer pour lui offrir parce que la photo originale est toute petite et je l'ajouterais aussi a mon moodboard.
Est ce que vous avez deja regarde les albums photos de vos parents ou beaux-parents? A Noel dernier, quand nous etions chez les parents de Steve en Nouvelle-Zelande, j'ai parcouru leurs vieux albums et je suis tombee sur des photos sublimes de Steve et de ses soeurs. C'est juste genial de pouvoir voir les gens que vous aimez quand ils etaient petits. J'espere qu'un jour, Mila appreciera toutes les photos que je prend d'elle meme si pour l'instant, ca l'ennuie prodigieusement!


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