

Do you remember last time I was in France, I drove my mum's car into a wall...Well on Wednesday, my mum took her car to the Renault concession to get it inspected by the insurers...

Wednesday: 8.30am
Conversation between Mila and my Dad...

"Papie..I'm going to tell you a very funny story....
I watched Harry Potter last night and I'm VE-RY tired...
You woke me up VE-RY early this morning!....
I didn't have breakfast....!
And NOW we have to go to Le Garage...."
She has a dry sense of humour which makes me laugh :-)

Anyway...while I'm away, Sophie will be working on our fantastically beautiful catalogue and we are after a few very nice images of Paris and London so if you would like your photos to be featured, please email Sophie(at)bodieandfou(dot)com. Unfortunately we will not be able to pay for the photos but we will be happy to credit you.

Vous vous souvenez la derniere fois que j'etais en France, j'ai reussi a defonce un mur avec la voiture de ma mere...Et bien mercredi, ma petite maman a emmene sa voiture chez Renault pour la faire examiner par les experts

Mercredi: 8.30 du matin
Conversation entre Mila et mon pere..

"Papie...Je vais te raconter une histoire tres drole....
Hier soir, j'ai regarde Harry Potter tard et je suis TRES fatiguee...
Tu m'as reveille TRES tot ce matin!
Je n'ai meme pas eu de petit dejeuner!
Et MAINTENANT on doit aller a Le Garage...."
Elle a une humour tres British qui me fait mourir de rire :-)

Big thanks to Gabilil for the playdate & sleepover! Et ce soir c'est les vacances!


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