
Life with the beach

This week, we are at the beach....I'm painting a few bits and pieces in the house, changing the hobb and sanding the kitchen bench in this other house, Steve is adding a door & windows to the tree house and at the end of each day, we go to the beach...
I took the minx to the haircoiffeur* yesterday. She wanted a fringe....I swear since she got it, she seemed to have developped some kind of over "I'm too cute" type of thing if more was needed!

Mila: "Maman, can you bring me a mirror pleeaasse" (fringe novelty obliges)
Me: "Why don't you move your little bum and drag yourself in front of the mirror!"

Mila: "Maman...why do you always paint everything in white?"
Me: "Because I love it! White interiors calm me down"
Mila: "Yeah but you always paint everything white, white, white...I thought you liked blue"
Me: "I do. I love colours on clothes but at home, I like white because then I can add a few touches of colours"
Mila: "It's boring!" - tiens prend ca maman

End of the day (at the beach, Mila found a stone in the shape of a taurus head)
Me: "It looks great...are you going to paint it white?"
Mila: "Non! It's mine! I've found it, I carry it and I will paint the colour I want"
La voila....

1. Heart made by Mila from a broken bracelet found at the beach 2. Taurus headstone TO BE NOT PAINTED
IN WHITE! 3. The cousins before the fringegate 4. Lily 5. Elodie with the stunning cardboard head our mum made 6. Mila wearing my Swedish Hasbeens 7. Perrine (buy her album here)

Hier, j'ai emmene Mila chez le haircoiffeur*. Elle voulait une frange....Je jurerais que depuis qu'elle l'a, sa confiance en elle a monte d'un cran...comme si il y en avait besoin!

Le matin:
Mila: "Maman, tu peux m'apporter un miroir pleeaasse" (forcement la frange est neuve)
Moi: "Pourquoi tu ne bouges pas tes petites fesses toute seule devant le miroir!"

Mila: "Maman...pourquoi tu peins toujours tout en blanc?"
Moi: "Parce que j'aime ca! Les interieurs blancs ca me calme"
Mila: "Yeah mais tu peins toujours tout en blanc, blanc blanc...Je croyais que tu aimais le bleu"
Moi: "Oui et j'aime les couleurs sur les vetements mais a la maison, je prefere le blanc."
Mila: "It's boring!" - tiens prend ca maman

En fin de journee (a la plage, Mila trouve une pierre qui ressemble a une tete de taureau)
Moi: "Elle est chouette...tu vas la peindre en blanc?"
Mila: "Non! c'est ma pierre! Je l'ai trouve, je la porterais et je la peindrais de la couleur que je veux!"
La voila....

*Haircoiffeur = mix of hairdresser et coiffeur


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